Thursday, December 29, 2011

What's Your Resolution?

It's time to think about the upcoming year!  Resolve to save money.  Resolve to live a healthier life.  Resolve to be satisfied with the things you have.  Resolve to love more, live more fully for today, to chase a dream that you have been hiding--resolve to keep on keeping on!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

94% of the people making $75K or more use the internet to conduct business full time.

We post scripture, kiddie pictures, cuss each other out--while those who are supporting their families with some kind of dignity in this rotten economy use the greatest aggregation of human knowledge since the Pharoah's Library work quietly and diligently to secure their future in this digital medium.  In the words of the great philosopher Spike Lee:  WAKE UP!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I've been watching and listening to the back and forth between the Occupiers and the Status Quo, and I hear DISCONNECT.  One guy in my home state said "those people need to get jobs..." Dude.  Duh!  If they HAD jobs, they wouldn't be out in the streets saying "no one feels our pain!"  The President has been way too quiet about this.  Seems like he should be right out in front, hollering "The American People are mad as hell and they ain't gonna take it anymore!